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3D Model

3D models are useful for allowing users to view and interact with a virtual object in physical space. Some 3D models even contain animation. Once you add a 3D model to your Experience, there are many options to edit its appearance and function.

Add a 3D Model

Add a 3D model that users can view and manipulate to your Augmented Experience.

  1. Open the Experience you would like to edit in the BUNDLAR CMS.
  2. Click “Edit Experience” in the top right corner.
  3. Click “Add Asset,” then select “3D Model” from the dropdown.
  4. Click “Browse Library” to select a previously uploaded model, or drag & drop a file from your computer.

3D models must be in FBX or gITF format. See our Asset Guidelines for further guidance on file format and size.

Edit a 3D Model

Change the appearance of your 3D model.

  1. Open the Experience you would like to edit in the BUNDLAR CMS.
  2. Click “Edit Experience” in the top right corner.
  3. Select the 3D model you would like to edit.
  4. Choose one of the options below.

3D Model Properties

  • Asset Name: Add a descriptive name for your 3D model.
  • Model: Change the 3D model file.
  • Materials: Toggle transparency for your 3D model. Transparency is only available on some files.
  • Options: Allow users to view the 3D model in fullscreen.

3D Model Position

  • Position: Move your model across 3D space.
  • Rotation: Rotate your 3D model.
  • Scale: Change the size of your 3D model.

3D Model Layer

  • Layer: Choose a previously created layer or create a new layer for the 3D model to appear on.

Make a 3D Model Interactive

Enable users to move, rotate, and scale a 3D model while viewing an Augmented Experience on their mobile device.

  1. Open the Experience you would like to edit in the BUNDLAR CMS.
  2. Click “Edit Experience” in the top right corner.
  3. Click “Settings” in the top right corner of the editor panel.
  4. Select “Viewer Options.”
  5. Use the Translate SettingsRotation Settings, and Scale Settings to allow users to move, rotate, and scale a 3D model while viewing your Augmented Experience on their mobile device.

See Also